Final sequence

Preliminary Trask

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Evaluation: 1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A major part in achieving a proffesional look to our media product was by clearly establishing a genre so that the correct audience could identify our product and enjoy it as much as possible. After choosing our action thriller we took many steps in trying to ensure our prouduct had all the elements needed to accurately reflect the genre. 

We took inspiration for themes of action thriller mainly from three films: 

We felt that these three films accurately represented the genre. The themes that are clearly present in all three include; fear, isolation, death, violence, revenge, speed, action and suspense. We tried to replicate these in our opening sequence. Our opening sequence included most of, if not all of these themes thus solidifying its position as an action thriller. The action and speed are clear throughout the begining as the victim runs into his own house. The suspense, fear and isolation is created as the victim hides in his own home and violence is present at the end in the fight scene. 

A screenshot showing fear and isolation in our sequence

A screenshot showing violence and action in our sequence

We did not challenge the genre much because being a fan of action thrillers i knew it was a tried and tested genre that always pleased audiences. However we did include more enigma perhaps than a standard action thriller. This was done through the use of the ending where the screen turns to black after our victim is hit with a gun. The audience are left questioning whether the victim is dead or alive. This in no way challenges the genre but it does develop it slightly adding more thrilling and suspending elements.

 In order for our genre to be clearly established we wanted to include as much action thriller iconography as possible. 

This is a mood board showing a summary of  the action thriller genre and inconography associated with it:

Here is a comparison between one of our film stills a poster of 'Taken' (Pierre Morel, 2008):



Another large part of filling any genre is by portraying the correct character types. After studying other action thrillers we found out that there were 3 main character roles:

The Villian

The Victim

The Hero

Only two of these characters are shown in our opening sequence with a film narrative that involves the third being introduced later on. In our film it is one of the villains and the victim that is introduced as keeping the hero a secret for part of the movie is a main concept of the narrative.

Our victim

Our villain


Todorov’s narrative theory states that every film starts with an equilibrium, then encounters a disruption, then a resolution is found and then at the end a new equilibrium is reached. Our film challenges this model slightly because our film instantly starts with a disruption. This creates more enigma than usual in a film because it instantly throws the audience. However after this point it follows the normal narrative model since a resolution is worked towards and then the film ends on an equilibrium.

The film follows a parallel narrative structure since the film constantly cross cuts between Matt Lockwood trying to escape his capture and Matt’s father attempting to save him. Th parallel narrative is similiar to 'Finding Nemo' which we researched in the earlier stages of our project.

Our film follows the binary opposites theory as suggested by Levi Strauss. Many of these opposites are present in the opening sequence, for example:

  • The contrast between the comfort and safety of the family home and the danger of the event taking place within it.
  • The fear that the victim character shows compared to the calamity of the villain
  • The difference in high levels with the victim hiding at the top of the house while the villain approaches from lower levels
  • The difference in the villains dark and mysterious clothing compared to the victims light and casual clothing


Our opening sequence sticks to all the main conventions of an action thriller film. It begins with titles informing the audience of all the production companies involved and then kicks into a fast paced chase scene. We looked at other opening sequences to get the conventional order of titles and followed them for our sequence. 

'Bourne Ultimatum' is a film with a very similar structure to ours. It begins with titles on black screens and then kicks straight into action.

We researched the conventions of an action thriller and used all of them in our sequence. Elements of violence, enigma and suspense were all used. 

The main function of an opening sequence is to introduce the film genre, characters and include titles to inform the audience of the people involved in making the film. This was all done in our opening sequence making it a successful piece of work.


When  deciding on the style we wanted to portray our group was always certain on having a fast paced film with an epic film. To create this we had to use a number of techniques:

  • A powerful soundtrack that follows the pace of the sequence, (fast at the begining, then slowing and quietening as tension starts to build), gives our film a well rounded proffessional film because it adds to all the themes being thrown at the audience
  • The film begins with extremely fast cuts making the pace insanely quick. This really gives off the action epic feel we were going for. The pace slows throughout, helping build tension and hook the audience.
  • We rarely used the tripod for any shots to give more of a raw feel to our sequence. This really helped add more interesting shots adding to the fast and blurred feel.
  • We added a lot of contrast when editing to make our film look more glossy and proffessional.

This is a chase sequence from 'District B13' which i personally took inspiration from and aimed to portray the same style. I think the chase is very comparible to ours when looking at style.