Final sequence

Preliminary Trask

Monday, March 29, 2010

Evaluation: 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

There are two contrasting social groups represented within our media product. The contrast between the two is the differences in age and how this affects their character.

The older character is about the age of 30. 

• He is shown to be much more experienced than the younger character through use of action, dress codes and emotion

• His actions are all very focused and concise showing no hesitation and complete control over the situation

• His facial expression is constant and calm throughout the sequence again showing control and power

• He is dressed in plain clothing showing a mature serious look about him

• He carries a gun throughout giving the audience the feel that this character is very experienced


 The younger character who is about the age of 17 is much more panicked in his approach to things and fearful throughout the sequence;
• His actions are very quick and inconsistent. This represents his inability to think straight when put into a stressful situation and due his lack of experience he is unable to make the right decisions

• He is dressed in more fashionable clothing showing his youth

• His face has a constant expression of fear and he is heavily breathing throughout showing how panicked he is and his lack of control of the situation

• At the end of the sequence he tries to attack the older character showing the foolishness is his youth since attacking an older man holding a gun is probably complete stupidity on his part.

Overall the representation of age in this opening sequence draws on the experience of age in contrast the foolishness of youth. This conforms to the expectations of society since younger people are known to stereotypically think they know more than they do.